Can't Sleep ...

I was doing some searching on the net yesterday and came up with some disappointing news. China has a one pet per passport rule. I've sort of had my heart set on going to China to study for a few years, but I can't bare the thought of having to give up the little ones ... or even worse, having to choose one to go and one to stay. How traumatizing!

I guess I will make contact with someone to see if there are any exceptions to the rule, but I imagine if they make an exception for me, then they'll have to make an exception for the next guy and so on. What would be the point of the rule? All one can do is ask, I suppose.

My other thought was to find someone to claim one as theirs ... try to bring them both over that way, but after reading an article such as so ...

Dog cull in China to fight rabies

... it disgusts me. I would think there had to be a better way to handle the situation. I'm not really willing to risk their lives over there. I would be devastated if I let something terrible happen to them ... something that I knew I had the ability to control.

It presents the problem of a girl with a love to travel and a desire to see the world but also a girl with an unconditional love for these two cats. Should I be selfish or do I stick with the responsibilites?

I brought them into my life to provide them with all the love I can give so that they wouldn't have to live the lonely life of a street cat. And, I know ... they will probably be able to adapt to life with another family in another home but ... the thing is ... I'm not sure I trust that someone else would spoil them as greatly as I think they deserve to be!

What's a girl to do?


Anonymous said...

Jenn, just love your cats and hope that something new comes up or you can find a new place to study your Chinese. Your cats are very lucky little animals to be so very are all the people in your life.

Jennifer Turek said...

That's all I can do! Thanks for the comment!