Tuesday August 7th, 2007

I awoke this morning to sounds of wind, rain and thunder. I recalled seeing sandbags at the doors yesterday which told me that a typhoon must be in the area. It's heading over the southern tip, so it shouldn't be too bad ... just wet.

Three weeks of summer camp left. I am enjoying it, but my free time is going to be even more enjoyed ... once it arrives. I have a lot of errands to run during my first (almost) week of holidays. The second week is all mine ... days on end with nothing to do but relax ... hopefully poolside.

The new semester starts September 3rd which means teaching another year of Level 3 and then back to a Level 1 class. My hours will drop to 18 a week which might not be enough. I have a 2 hour private which puts me back at 20 but I'm thinking another 4 or 5 hours would be better. I'm saving up for some options which aren't going to come cheap. I will look for a few new privates, starting September. Seems there's work to be found, it's just a matter of finding some that work with my schedule and is somewhat close to home.

In three months time ... I will find myself in Ho Chi Minh City with my mom ... I hope she knows what she's getting herself into! We have 20 days to get from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi.

If one were to travel by train direct, it would take about 30 hours. I've been reading a bit here and there in my guide book and I'm growing more excited with each passing day ... my only wish was for more time ... 20 days is only going to be a tease of the goodies that could be had.

It all really comes down to how one can make money without having to give up what they consider free time. The world is this huge playground just waiting to be tramped on.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a long way according to your map. I am never sure what I am in for with you...but it will be fun. Remember, though, shopping is a must!
love mom

Jennifer Turek said...

Yes, it's going to be tight. If we have to, we can hop a plane part of the way, but I'd rather not. Shopping is a must as it will be cheap, cheap, cheap!