Typhoon Sunday ...

With not much to do on this typhoon Sunday, I decided to try out a new program (for me) called iMovie HD. I filmed the cats throughout the day. As one will notice, Levi is always active and Datsun is not. I have a lot of things to figure out, but I can see it's going to be a fun program.

The day has been gloomy and the wind has been strong. My plastic patio table has been blowing around like crazy. I was afraid it was going to fly off the balcony at one point.

Another typhoon day awaits tomorrow. I'm happy to have the day off. Enjoy ...


Anonymous said...

Its a start! A good one.

Jennifer Turek said...

Thanks, AB ...

Not sure it's a good one, but it is a start ...

Anonymous said...

Jenn I think that is really good and not even that is your first attempt...you can se that is far easier to film Datsun than it is Levi...I loved the music and the way the letters floated in, too.
Keep up the good work. How do you like your new phone by the way?