Semester 2: PRO 0 - CON 2

Monday afternoon was a required gym class that didn't grant any credits. This semester we played ping-pong and basketball.

I don't recall there being a ping-pong test but I may have been absent. We had a test based on our ability to shoot layups but I wasn't there. I managed to miss a good chunk of classes this semester and it is fortunate that it didn't reflect in my grade.

We had another test that required one to throw a baseball through a white circle that was painted on a wall. We had 10 tries to get it in 10 times. I neglect to see how this prepares one for the working world.

As per the university's request, we needed to be tested on the rules of basketball. Since there were 30+ students with one net most of the semester, we weren't really taught much so the teacher asked us to write an essay on the NBA.

MCU states that we take this course to promote physical fitness yet there I was writing a report. Hmm. Most students sit and chat during this class or sneak out after attendance has been taken. So although MCU's intentions are good, I'm not sure they are realistic.

The lack of participation certainly lies on the responsibility of the teacher and not the university itself; however, with a shortage of space and equipment, it seems that perhaps the onus goes back to that of the university.

I was usually left feeling quite frustrated by the end of Monday. I hate spending my money on things that waste my time.

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