Tuesday February 25th, 2014 (25°C)

新福本坑 Xinfu Coal Pit and the start of today's hike

圓覺寺步道 Yuanjue Hiking Trail
I have spent years and years and years driving past a sign that leads to this trail here. I couldn't recall whether I had done this trail or not and since there are so many others near by, it always took a miss. This hike is about a ten to fifteen minute scooter ride from my house. I decided today that I am going to come here a lot more. There are a ton of little mountain trails that all head in different directions and they are screaming to be explored.

圓覺瀑布 Yuanjue Waterfall — WHAT?! Again ... why have I not been here before?

鯉魚山步道 Liyu Mountain Trail sculpture — one of many

Today's hike
The white lines show the walk I went on today. I was gone about two hours in total. The top line was the first trek. It ended at a Buddhist temple that had speakers lined along a stone wall playing soothing chants. I could tell by this map that the road looped around to the lower mountain trail but I wasn't sure how long it would take or how accurate this map was. I decided to backtrack. Getting back down to the split in the path, I headed back up the lower trail. Halfway up, I knew exactly where I was as I had done the trail ahead on a few occasions. I've been slowly piecing together the mountains that line the city of Taipei.