Saturday July 9th, 2016

My dad and I at Cootes Paradise in Hamilton, Ontario
Today marks my seventh full day in the east-central province of Ontario, Canada. My last visit was summer of 2013. It's wonderful to be home though it brings many mixed emotions.

Of course, my father is encouraging me to move back by showing me lovely, affordable condos on Vancouver Island. As tempting as it is, I'm not ready yet and I'm not sure I ever will be ready.

An American Robin about to take a dip in my father's bird bath on a hot day

Delicious Cherry Belle Radishes
A list of reasons why I should consider a move to Canada:

1. Family
2. Long summer nights
3. Outdoor patio restaurants/pubs
4. Backyard barbecues
5. Clean air
6. Lack of humidity
7. No typhoons/earthquakes
8. English is EVERYwhere

Wandering around the beautiful meadows at the Eramosa Karst

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