Thursday February 7th, 2019 (cont'd)

The North Gate at Angkor Thom

At the Preah Khan Temple

The Preah Khan temple was my favorite temple this time around and I accidentally and luckily ended up there twice.

My first visit, we were dropped off around 1:00PM in the scorching hot sun. We had been temple hopping since 5:00AM and I was done by the time we got here.

This temple has fantastic ruins and so many doors and corners to turn. I lost my friend within minutes. I slowly made my way to the other side of the temple and had to sit down a few times to get out of the heat. I ended up waiting for quite some time at the other end of the temple until my friend magically appeared. He was very impressed with this temple saying it was his favorite so far and all I could say was that I was done for the day.

My second visit was on my last full day in Cambodia. My friend misplaced his ticket so I was on my own. The driver we had hired dropped me off at another entrance of Preah Khan and I had no idea I was at the same temple until later. Two of my other friends were on their way into Angkor, so I sent them my location via Google Maps and they came and found me. It was about 9:00 and this was my second temple for the day, so I was fresh and ready for some exploring.

We entered the temple and again within minutes I lost both of them. I had a look around but they were nowhere to be found. It was about this time that I realized I was back at the same temple as I passed by a spot where I had sat for some time to get out of the sun and reflect. 

The weird thing about this temple is that I made it to the other side but it wasn't the entrance where I had met my friend during the previous visit. Each temple has a north, east, south and west entrance so I think during my first visit, I went from the north to the south whereas during my second visit I went from the east to the west. I did discover that I had missed an entire part of the temple that was very cool to catch on my second visit! So good! And so thankful!

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