Wednesday November 1st, 2006

Where does the time go? It is starting to get cold. The evenings are going down to about 13 ... brrr. I had full flannels on last night. I'm thinking it's time to pull out the old comforter ... give it a wash and a go on my bed. The walls are starting to get cold again, as are the floors. I hate winter. My hope is that it doesn't get as cold as last year.

Halloween was fairly uneventful for me. I relaxed, did some errands, relaxed some more and then relaxed some more. I had one two hour class in the late afternoon and then I went to meet Doug for LE. I did get some disappointing news last night. Doug's company is moving even further away, so I don't think we are going to be able to meet anymore. We've had to change locations a few times over the past two years, but now ... we just don't think it's going to be possible. I'm a little sad as I'm not sure I'll be able to find another like him. He is getting married on November 18th and I will be going to his wedding ... it should be fun!

His company will move in another month or so, so we will have some time left. I'm not sure if I'll find another language partner right away. I may perhaps look for some more work as time runs fast around here and two years will come up quicker than I know. If I don't start motivating myself to move on, I could get lost in the great world of Taiwan forever!

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