
The first day of Chinese New Year is coming to an end. Fireworks have been going off for hours, the dogs in the mountains have been barking continually ... I imagine this will be the first noisy night with many to follow.

Today, I took the time to upload some photos ... the following albums/links have new pictures posted:

Messing Around (11)
Datsun (4)
Levi (8)
Levi and Datsun Photos (2)
Another Taste of 亞洲 Asia (24)

If you find yourself with some time, please have a look. I've also started a new Flickr account. I don't know much about the site yet, but I thought it best to get some shots out there.

It's, perhaps, time for some dinner, some wine and a movie. Ahhh ... eight more days of rest ... it's going to be so nice!

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