Friday May 18th, 2007

It's been raining most of the day and it shows a 90% chance of showers for tomorrow ... things are not looking good. I have to be at the kindergarten at 7am ... yes, a Saturday. Am I happy about that? Not so much.

A handful of students are graduating so there will be an all day event in 桃園. There are a bunch of activities planned for the students and the parents and a BBQ will follow. I was going to try and get out of it, but these will be my new level one students for next semester.

I am looking forward to having some younger kids. I am now teaching level 2 and 3 and the older kids, especially the boys, are starting to develop attitudes. They do, however, present interesting ideas that only simple minds can create.

It'll be a bit of a drag going back to the basics of 'this is a ...' and 'those are ...' but I suppose it's much easier than trying to teach present perfect and past continuous and simple future and present progressive and past perfect continuous and ...

I confuse myself most days. In saying that, I do love learning about the complexities our language offers.

It's probably about that time ... a 6am rise is going to come awfully early. It's going to feel even earlier if the day is wet. The cats are shedding like crazy. When a certain little one likes to be so close she practically sleeps on your face ... let's just say it's not so pleasant.

Summer is here. Come on, sunshine!

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