Thursday May 29th, 2008

My co-worker had today's paper. I decided to have a look through on my break. A small article on the front page titled 'Japanese customs officials apologize for planting drugs' caught my eye. Japan decided to plant 142g of marijuana on an incoming Hong Kong passenger to test out one of the sniffer dogs. The dog failed to find it and the customs official forgot which bag the drugs were in. I mean, could you imagine?

A public appeal was released and the drugs were returned a few days later. The paper stated that it was not known whether the passenger was tracked or whether he or she had contacted authorities.

Another few pages in was a small article on Canada. Apparently a Vancouver couple put their seven-day old baby up for sale on the internet. They were asking US$10,000 stating that the baby was a must have, very cute and very healthy. It was unexpected and they were unable to afford it. The paper says the couple have a history of drug problems and are currently under investigation for trafficking. They must have been high to put their baby up for sale on the net.

I guess some haven't figured out the power of internet. It's been the first paper in some time that's brought laughter ... it's a very pleasant change!

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