Back in University ...

The list starts today. My posts over the next week or so will be in regards to my thoughts about semester one.

It went by fast. But so does much in life. I can only hope that time will continue to soar until I have completed this program ... if I make it that long. I may use this first year as a stepping-stone to something a bit more fitting to my way of thinking.

A two-hour meeting with the director of my program and the secretary allowed me to see the inflexibility at the University. I will search for new options over the following semester as there may be a better solution out there for me.

All that being said, I do enjoy most of my days at the University. I'm just not 100% sure that attending MCU is the best way to achieve what I want. It seems like there's a lot of nonsense in between the small bits of usefulness.

And so starts the list of my personal evaluations as an adult student considering the relevance of what is being taught in these learning institutions. Are they really preparing kids for what comes next? It's questionable.

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