Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

I try not to have road angst here in Taiwan due to the fact that I'd spend a good chunk of my time being angry.

Please bear with me on the above image taken from Google Maps. The blue line represents a mass amount of scooters weaving in and around one another during rush hour, presumably on the mad dash home, hoping to make it through the green light.

The red X represents ONE guy on a scooter who was unfortunate to catch the red.

Please note that turning right on a red is illegal in Taiwan.

Mr. X decides to get off his scooter despite the thirty or so of us lined up trying to get through the small space between the sidewalk and the cars and slows traffic to walk his bike around the bend and then stops everybody so that he can then mount his bike and continue to drive on.


When you then meet someone like this at the next red light ten seconds away, it's extremely difficult not to push them over and then proceed to say as politely as possible, "You're a dumbass."


Nick Herman said...

I've come very close to kicking cars and scooters that are turning into the crosswalk as I'm walking.

Jennifer Turek said...

the funny thing is ... just yesterday, i saw a police officer do the exact same move as the one i mentioned here ... less the rush hour traffic. oi.