Random December and January ...

December brought a ton of rain with it. And then, on my birthday of all days, I slipped off an uneven grate on the road as I was getting into my co-worker's car causing me to sprain my ankle quite badly. I found myself in Emergency on December 24th. The doctor said the injury would take about 6-8 weeks to heal. I am about 3.5 weeks in and getting slightly annoyed by it.

January brought freezing cold temperatures and the mountains all over the island got snow, even Yangmingshan in Taipei. It was exciting to see the images and if I hadn't been cooped up, I would've gone to find some snow and done some hiking.

My new computer arrived! Very exciting!

There's been a whole lot of this going on to stay warm

Starting the year off with another Harlan Coben book


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