The Start of Cambodia ...

I'll start with the traffic ... I have to say ... Cambodia makes Taiwan look like North America. Very few streets were paved ... if they were paved, they were poorly paved with lots of potholes and no lines. Traffic came from this direction and that ... vehicles of all sorts ... and as I sat with a beer in Phnom Penh one night watching from my second floor balcony, I realized it was kind of like watching a live game of that video game Frogger.

The "Rules" of the Road in Cambodia

- one-way streets aren't in practice one way

- you're meant to drive on the right side of the road, but road conditions may preclude this

- locals, especially ones riding motos, never look before entering a main road or U-turning

- Land Cruisers have the right of way at all times, except when confronted by a Hummer (yes, size matters)

- it's illegal to use your lights during the day, except if you are royalty or a government official, they will fine you US$5

- you don't have to use your lights at night but it's probably a good idea ... if you're an SUV, you must have all your lights on and drive as fast as you can down the centre of the road honking your horn wildly

- chatting to your friends, driving three or four abreast down the main road is normal behaviour

- stopping at red lights appears to be optional, especially at night

- cows, chickens, pigs, dogs, horses, geese and children haven't read the Highway Code

I spent one night in Phnom Penh before heading down to Sihanoukville ... the bus ride was about a five hour trip and if you recall the above rules ... the bus rode most of the way in the centre of the road honking his horn every 10 seconds. Who was I kidding when I thought I'd be able to get some shut eye on the bus??

It became really interesting when the buses and oncoming trucks would have honking wars. I believe what was happening was whichever vehicle honked more times became the winner for each situation ... now, in Taiwan you are not legally allowed to honk your horn for more than one half second at a time ... I wonder if the same rules apply in Cambodia as they would blast 2 or 3 or 5 short, quick honks depending on how badly they wanted to have the right of way. Ah ... good fun.

More photos and stories to be posted soon ... stay tuned!

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