Dreams ...

I think the medication must be making me crazy. I had the weirdest dream last night. For those that have seen the movie The Saw ... if you remember the bald dude that was lying on the floor in the pool of blood the whole time ... he was in my dream ... ugh. Here's how it went. The bald guy owned a donut shop. Behind this donut shop were rooms for rent. For some reason, I was looking for a room but didn't seem to have any money. He showed me a room where he would allow me to stay for free. The room was hardly that. It was full of broken pieces of wood and bricks and smashed concrete. There were cats and dogs everywhere ... most of them were dead. One pup came running up to me. He was so dirty, but so lovable. I decided, even though the room was a horror, to stay and clean up this pup and try to find him a home.

After bathing the pup, he took off out the back door ... that was the last I saw of him. I took a look around this room. Besides all the garbage that was here and there, there seemed to be lots of suitcases laying around. Most of them were still full of things as if the last visitors had left them thrown about. One would think this would be the time to hightail it out of there ... but for me, I guess it wasn't. I mean, it was only a dream.

Anyway ... there was a top bunk where I placed my backpack and my laptop bag. I decided to retire for the night. When I awoke in the morning, a good chunk of the room was as spotless as could be. No more bricks or smashed concrete. The dead animals ... gone. In place of the mess was a dresser and a desk. On the dresser, there sat a bunch of ceramic type dolls and disney toys ... all neatly placed. On the desk was much of the same. The back half of the room was still the same as it was the night before ... I felt very confused as to how I was able to sleep through the whole transition.

I got up and looked at the pieces on the dresser ... they were kind of cute yet eerie. I noticed almost immediately that my laptop bag was missing. I went out to the donut shop to ask the bald guy where my computer was, but he wasn't in for the day. My cousin and a few of his friends were apparently staying a few doors down. Why one wouldn't decide to stay with them instead of a room full of dead animals is beyond my comprehension ... dreams are funny.

My cousin happened to have this guy's number, so he gave him a call. The guy told me that he was into hydrography. Now, in looking that up on my ever so handy dandy online dictionary ... gotta love Merriam-Webster ... it says that hydrography is relating to the charting of bodies of water as to their characteristic features. I don't really get what that had to do with my computer, but dreams don't always make sense, do they?

I argued with him on the phone saying that I needed my computer to do some work and he told me he wasn't back until the following week, so I'd have to wait. I mean, imagine me without a computer for the week. I was so distraught I woke up.

One would think the crazy man or the gross room or even the dead animals would've woken me .... but nooo. It was the thought of having no computer ... I mean, how horrifying. I have to laugh.

On a lighter note ... I am still sweating and the fever is still hanging around, but I think it may actually be cooling. The weather has been off and on most of the night. There are some big dark clouds lingering outside that look very threatening.

I'm thinking it might be a good time to head to the supermarket. Although it's just past 7am, this country is always good for 24 hour shopping. Off I go before it starts raining again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen;
I'm glad you're feeling better. Weird dream. I have some really farout dreams too. One involves a monster eating children through the walls of houses.
Talking about laptops. Would my wireless router be useable at your place or do I need to tap into some other service.
Talking about rear gear, I bought some online and just acquired some hiking shoes, so hopefully I'll be ready for the rains.
See you real soon.

Jennifer Turek said...

That is a bit more crazy sounding than mine!

I have a wireless router here ... all should be good. We'll figure it out upon your arrival..

Have a safe flight and you'll need that rain gear ... good call.