Decisions, Decisions ...

Some new news ... it seems that I'll be having a roommate for the next five months. His name is Kerry and he'll be moving in on the 10th of March. He'll probably want to take the back room. This means I'll have to move my stuff out, which means the cats will be losing their room. Now that they are older, they don't spend too much time in there anyway ... it's more a place to keep their litter, carriers and toys.

Knowing that I'll be moving some of my things in their room, I decided to buy a new litter box with a lid and a door to keep it cleaner. I thought it best to leave the flap door off, thinking they might need a little time to get used to it ... ha, ha, ha.

The girl cat, usually the one to be a little slow, caught on right away. Datsun, on the other hand, isn't quite getting it. The first day he decided to leave me a number two right in front of the new box ... almost, buddy, almost! After this little mishap, I removed the lid as I know he's not big on change.

Day two, he decides to pee on the blanket in his room. Again, it was close but not close enough. I thought it time to introduce him to the new litter box. After a fuss and a lot of scratches, he made it quite clear that he's not impressed.

I spent the night at my boyfriend's and when I got home today ... day three ... the litter box was on it's side, the litter all over the floor. Unsure which one of them did it, pee was on the cushion in their room and on my floor dangling curtains in the main room ... grrr. The cushion was going to be thrown out and the curtains are easily washable. Could it be that the litter was overturned and there wasn't really anywhere else for them to go?

Here is how he has been for the past half hour ... he still sits there now as I type:

He's really contemplating it. I sat with him for ten minutes or so trying to talk him into it, but he's not biting, only holding. He must realize he is running out of places to go.

Too funny ... a big step in the life of Datsun. You can do it, bud!


Jason said...

Cats are so stupid. Highly entertaining but stupid. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

BOYFRIEND????!!!! Tell us more tell us more!!!

Jennifer Turek said...

Giggle, giggle!