This is my third attempt at a blog today ... life has been busy and time and words aren't coming to me in the form of a computer. Winter camp has started ... it's going to be three weeks of being very busy. Today was bright and sunny and about 20 degrees. The morning was spent basking in the sun and playing soccer with the kids ... there's about 60 of them, total. It made for a fun morning ... left me feeling very warm ... I miss summer.
Winter camp will be great practice for my Chinese. I was a bit sad to stop my two morning classes for the next month, but it seems that the basketball coach and the soccer coach only speak Chinese. I caught some of what was going on today and what I couldn't, I picked up from seeing. I was able to have a quick conversation with the coach and he was quite happy as it seems he doesn't speak any English.
This weekend CKids will be having it's year end party ... it's in a restaurant on the 4th floor of a 12-storey mall ... one of the many storied malls around here. The invitation informs us that we should dress in our best. I'm not sure if I should treat myself to something new, or find something old that's not been seen. I did end up clothes shopping this weekend ... I find myself with a new pair of pants or two and then some!
Looking at the clock, it's best I get away from this thing and finish my Chinese homework. We are making our way through chapter 18. As I've already studied this book, I am remembering that this is the point where frustration took over which turned me off of studying a bit. This time around I feel I'm getting it some days, but most days I feel not so much. It's all about patience.
And with that, I am off ... I have a 13 hour day tomorrow. After four nights of being away from home, it'll be nice to snuggle with the cats.